Hearing Testing and Assessment

Hearing Testing and Assessment

We care about your hearing health. We highly recommend annual hearing tests.

During Your Visit

Our clinicans will start by asking you questions about your medical and hearing history. This is called the case history. Next, the clinicans will look into your ears using a light, called an otoscope, and check for anything in the ear canal that might affect the test results, or require a referral to your doctor. We will check your eardrum and middle ear by performing tympanometry and immittance testing. Finally, the clinician conduct a test or series of tests in a sound proof booth to assess:

Whether there is hearing loss

The cause of the hearing loss (to the extent possible)

The degree and configuration (one or both ears?) of hearing loss

The best treatment options for your lifestyle

If You Are an Adult With Hearing Loss

Aural/audiologic rehabilitation services will focus on adjusting to your hearing loss, making the best use of your hearing aids, exploring assistive devices that might help, managing conversations, and taking charge of your communication. Services can be individual, in small groups, or a combination of both. It is important to understand your specific hearing loss. Sometimes it takes several discussions with your clinicians and with your family in order to understand the consequences of the hearing loss.

As Part of the Treatment Process

The clinician will review the different types of hearing aids available and how they work. This will assist you in understanding why the specific type of hearing aid was recommended specifically for you.

In Ontario, if you need hearing aids, you need a prescription for them. Audiologists and Physicians are the only health professionals that are allowed to prescribe hearing aids to a hearing impaired person.